Angie Richert has been part of the sales team at EP Graphics since 1998. Before joining the team, she was a buyer for a chemical company and a nutraceutical company. Prior to that, she served six years in the United States military. Angie is married and has three grown children. She enjoys gardening, running, and reading, as well as sporting events, movies, and musicals. She is a life-long member of the Catholic Church and is involved in many things at the local parish. She enjoys religious retreats, and when she travels, she likes to visit shrines. Angie said what she enjoys most about her career at EP Graphics is meeting and working with fellow employees, current customers, and potential customers. She also likes the many opportunities for growth and learning in the printing industry. She said, “I am thankful for the owners and management at EP Graphics and for the opportunity to raise my children in this community and practice my beliefs while earning a good living.”

Call 260-849-4722 (office) or email to talk to Angie.